Wednesday, August 28, 2013

July7, 2013

Hey guys well this week was a lot better. We got to work this week! WE found 10 new investigators and taught 25 lessons which is 8 more than they've ever had in this area and this week we plan on getting the 30 lessons this week. Wow super tough being district leader here. But learning a ton at the same time! My companion is Elder Obaldia and he is from panama. He is probably the most humble person i've ever met. Really he is so great. Didn't have the greatest trainer but he still dominates. We're just working on the teaching together now. A lot of practicing so that we can teach fluidly. Then in my district there is Elder Reyes (El Salvador he was in cañas with me) his companion Elder Pugh (washington) then Hermana Ponce(Honduras) her companion Hermana Watkins( Arizona) then Herman Tippits(Utah) and her companion Hermana Patrick( Florida her dad was the stake president on the broadcast from 2 sundays ago) But ya that's my district they0re all super great missionaries! We found 45 new investigators as a district this week but we only invited 9 out of those 45 to get baptized. So only 20 percent. Which is super low we should be challenging every person in the very first visit! So that's the challenge as the district and what we're going to put a focus on is putting baptismal dates with everyone!
I do like turrialba a ton! And the cool thing is that Ivon from Tibás has a sister that lives here who isn't a member so Ivon is going to come down here and we're going to teach her!!! Which will be super awesome!! Sorry i totally forgot the connector for the camera so i can't pass fotos this week. but next week i'll try to remember. 
Our ward is good we just got to get the people to work with us more because it's always the same 3 people. So we're going to have a preach my gospel class every saturday and we hope that we'll have some people show up. Then we're going to use this class to get some references and also to help them feel more comfortable to share the gospel with there friends. but ya that's the plan!
But ya that's basically what happened this week. I also heard that Nuary in Tibas is going to get baptized and three of my families that we taught are going to get baptized too. And two of those families will have a wedding as well. 9 baptisms!
But ya love you guys ton! The gospel is true!!!

Elder Anderson

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